
Lab On The Cheap is dedicated to sharing cheap alternatives to normally expensive lab equipment for all of us who would like to participate in the scientific revolution but don’t have the sponsorship to do so.


Have a cheaper way of doing something?

Email us at labonthecheap@gmail.com with a description and picture (and your name of course if you want a shoutout!)


Bezia Lemma

Currently working in the Harvard physics department, with a background in colloidal and plasma physics.

Linnea Lemma

Currently working in the Brandeis and University of California Santa Barbara physics departments, with a background in liquid crystals and biophysics.  

Isabel Ruffin

Remi Boros

Ben Haslund-Gourley

Contributing Editors:

Dr. Joia Miller
Dr. Peter Foster
Dr. Guillaume Duclos
Dr. Marc Ridilla
Pooja Chandrakar
Maya Anjur-dietrich
Dr. Brian Leahy
Dr. Walter Schwenger
Dr. Itamar Kolvin