The basis of this post is the uArm Swift Pro from uFactory for $750, an open source robot arm with millimeter level precision in positioning. The folks over at milab have written up a fantastic instructable detailing how to take apart a pipette and hook it up to the robot arm. An approach that I’d […]
Category: Uncategorized

Pretty Good Focus
There is nothing worse than arriving in the morning to find that your overnight data acquisition drifted out of focus two hours in. However, commercial focus stabilization set ups only come on expensive and relatively recent microscopes. The coy-ly named Pretty Good Focus (pgFocus), is an open source hardware/software device for focus stabilization designed by Karl […]

Build-your-own Lego Spectrometer
Check out this open source design for a spectrometer built out of Legos. You can use their designs to 3D print your own Legos and follow the online assembly instructions (or forge your own path!). Or you can buy a kit starting at $30 and running up to $85 for a kit with a Raspberry Pi and […]