Continuous Flow Systems run chemical reactions by continuously flowing reactants past each other. Pumps control fluid channels holding the reagents and chemical reactions occur at intersections of those pumps. It’s the chemistry version of the Lab On a Chip. Flow chemistry doesn’t have to be small-scale, it’s used in industrial manufacturing, but it can be […]

A Simple Strobe Light For Microscopy
Strobe lighting can be used to take crisp images of objects that would normally appear blurred due to their motion during a camera’s integration time. They can also be used to image cycling motion with far greater temporal resolution. Christian Willert, Boleslaw Stasicki, S. Moessner and Joachim Klinner have written a paper detailing a simple […]

Open-Source Potentiostats for Electrochemical Detection
Potentiometry measures the potential difference between an indicator electrode in a solution and a reference electrode. This provides a quantitative non-destructive measurement of a liquid sample. A common electrode is the glass-membrane electrode used in a pH meter., but various indicator electrodes are designed for specifically for various solutions. The potentiostat is an unloved staple in most wet-labs […]

Pairing Plastic Printed Parts Professionally with 3DHubs
Last week we saw Holden Lab at Newcastle University start a discussion about using threaded fasteners to secure 3D printed parts. Dr. Robert LeSuer pointed out an extremely thorough discussion on the matter on . 3DHubs has an incredible wealth of information on DIY construction, including an amazing cost analysis of 3D printing vs […]

OpenLH: A DIY (DABOIY) Pipetting Robot
The basis of this post is the uArm Swift Pro from uFactory for $750, an open source robot arm with millimeter level precision in positioning. The folks over at milab have written up a fantastic instructable detailing how to take apart a pipette and hook it up to the robot arm. An approach that I’d […]