If your working on electronics, consider EasyEDA.com. This resource not only lets you simulate circuits ahead of time but also lets you order electronic parts and Printed Circuit Boards according to your designs. This can make DIY work much less daunting and the final product appear much more professional. Post Edit: Since this post was […]

Moving a Lab On The Cheap
Recently, the authors of Lab On The Cheap have been taking part in a lab relocation across the US of A. We want to write something about this process, but we need some help from you. It’s weird that we are having trouble writing about this, because there are a lot of articles on this. […]

Use Formufits Connectors to Build with PVC Pipe
PVC Pipe is cheap and easy to get your hands on, the only problem in making experimental apparatus with PVC as the frame is that it’s generally meant for plumbing and so has limited connectors. Formufit fixes this problem by offering connectors, some which are adjustable, that effectively turn PVC Pipes into a lego set.

Reddress Sunday – On The Move
Happy Sunday Everyone! You may have noticed the posts on LabOnTheCheap have slowed down recently. Why? Well we haven’t had much time to write, as the two main authors of this website are in the middle of moving a lab across the USA! This Sunday Reddress is being written to you from just north of […]

Touchscreen Platforms for Rodents
Here’s an interesting paper about designing a low-cost touchscreen operant chamber using a raspberry pi. Perhaps the most important takeaway here is that rats performed twice as well in the Med Associates commercial chamber. Commercial products are often more refined than DIY solutions and this is just a great reminder of the trade-off we have to think […]