Welcome to the first Technical Tuesday! Where we try to dive a little deeper into the actual costs involved in particular scientific techniques. We hope to show where you can save money, and what you might lose by saving that money. Today’s topic is protein purification by columns thanks to Dr. Marc Ridilla who provided […]

Tiny Florescence Microscopy
Check out this 3D printable florescence microscope with filter wheel, digital acquisition, and temperature control! All for less than half a grand. Dr. Peter Foster recently made one of these himself so we have at least one solid positive user experience with the device. However Peter says he took a shortcut with the illumination LED […]

Precise Parafilm Designs
While more expensive than a razor blade, you can cut Parafilm or tape to make precise chambers and masks without a laser cutter by using a commercial knife printer like the Silhouette CAMEO. From our own experience its remarkably robust though it can be a little finicky when loading the cutting mat before that actual […]

A Salad Spinner Centrifuge
Need just a little bit of centrifuging? Consider the humble salad spinner -> And here’s a tutorial on how to build one to fit 50 ml Centrifuge Tubes.

A Library for Cheap Optics
Need some equipment to hold and align your fancy optical components? Consider 3D printing some components from a Thingiverses’ Open Source Optics library made by Joshua Pearce. This is particularly worth it for something like a filter wheel! Check out this table from an article by Chenlong Zhang, Nicholas Anzalone, Rodrigo Faria, and Joshua Pearce […]