Hyperspectral imaging refers to imaging in which a spectrum is acquired for each pixel in a captured image. A paper by Jairo Salazar-Vazquez and Andres Mendez-Vazquez details an easy to assemble hyperspectral device for just $500 which can take a spectrum from 400-1050 nm with a wavelength resolution of up to 2.1 nm and a […]

3D Print a Pipette Tip Sorter!
EDIT: New designs are now available for more pipette tips.10 uL tips: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4256563200 uL tips: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4268044 If you are using pipette tips that don’t come in racks, check out this pipette tip sorting device on thingiverse that makes aligning and inserting the tips much much easier. The 3D print is designed for 10 µL Sarstedt […]

Ventilator for <$100: MIT E-Vent
In the most high stakes Lab on the Cheap project to date, a team of researchers is working on developing an open design for an emergency ventilator. These life-saving machines are in short supply at hospitals around the world. They can cost $30,000 each. Originally designed by students as part of a class, this design […]

Make a polarimeter for $350
A polarimeter is used to characterize a sample by measuring the rotation of polarized light when it interacts with the sample. They can cost upwards of ~$10,000, but a $350 DIY high-resolution polarimeter has recently been detailed in a paper by Andrew Harvie , Tom Phillips, and John deMello. The bill of materials for the […]

OpenPlant toolkit
A paper from Jim Haseloff’s lab on a low maintenance model plant for bioengineering. The paper describes the process for maintaining genetic lines in the plant Marchantia polymorpha without the need for greenhouse facilities. It presents the work they’ve done to make the DNA easily editable (such as screening for promoters) for bioengineering purposes and […]