PiVR stands for Raspberry Pi Virtual Reality system. It’s an open-source design published by David Tadres and Matthieu Louis that allows dynamic closed-loop experiments to study unrestrained optogenetic stimulation of neural functions in small creatures. The device tracks a small creature at 50 Hz, and generates light stimulation patterns based on the position of the […]

Shutters from Brandstrom Instruments
Charles-Anthony Fortin of photonetc writes in response to More DIY Opitcal Shutters, to tells us about Brandstrom Instruments. They sell self-restoring solenoids for as low as $250, and bare aluminum shutters for as low as $25.

Cheap Desktop Micromills for Microfluidics
One way to make microfluidic devices, is to use a milling machine. A paper by Ali Lashkaripour, Ryan Silva and Douglas Densmore compares three micromilling machines (tiny milling machines), evaluated their accuracy, and provides methods for evaluating the accuracy of your own miromilling machines. The only machine evaluated that is still being produced, is the […]

AttoBright: A single-molecule confocal system built from a 3D-printed scaffold
The AttoBright is a 10×20 cm single-molecule confocal system capable of single photon counting and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The scaffolding is designed to minimize the amount of optical components needed, and make those optical components easy to install with automated alignment. A paper by James Brown, Arnaud Bauer, Mark Polinkovsky, Akshay Bhumkar, DominicHunter, Katharina Gaus, […]

$1200 for a Super Resolution Capable Microscope
A new paper shows the practicality of using Super Resolution Radial Fluctuation (SSRF) on an OpenFlexure Microscope. SSRF microscopy is a form of Super Resolution microscopy that relies on a post-processing method to generate a radiality map for each frame. This map is used to look for temporal correlations across frames to create an image […]