In a follow-up to my all time favorite post, Protein Purification on a Budget: Technical Tuesday, today we are covering a design for a fraction collector for <$100. In their recent preprint, Low-cost, scalable, and automated fluid sampling for fluidics applications , A. S. Boosehaghi, Y.A. Kil, K. H. Min, J. Gehring and L. Pachter […]
Tag: Arduino

Hack a kitchen scale for lab use for just $20
Common digital kitchen scales have a surprisingly high sampling rate in their sensor, but any data logging using a kitchen scale is limited to the sampling rate of the scientist writing down the data. But now, there is a preprint paper on hacking a digital kitchen scale to record data to a computer by D […]

OMIS: An Open Millifluidic Inquiry System
OMIS is a 3D tool for performing small-scale chemical synthesis and analysis. The system is Arduino-based and consists of an automated syringe pump run by a cheap stepper motor and reaction vessels. The design is meant to allow for fabrication” in one day”, and can pump fluids at rates between 60 and 300 μL/min. The paper, […]

Respeaker: Tell Your Lab What To Do
It has always been a personal dream of mine to be able to talk to my lab equipment. I would particularly like voice controlled pipettes. I would say “Pipette, dispense 12.3 microliters please” and it would say “voice command not recognized, purging pipette,” and then I would scream. Ahhh the dream. Now behold the Respeaker […]