Here’s a nifty idea published in PLOS by George Korir and Manu Prakash. 15 on-chip pumps controlled by a punch card cranked by hand. While the original design is specifically geared towards ease of distribution, one could replace the hand crank with a cheap stepper motor for more reliable control.
Tag: journals
Some Pointers from Nature
A couple days ago Nature published an article by Elie Dolgin with some ideas on getting a lab started on a budget. The article covers utilizing and bartering with core research facilities, sharing with other labs, 3D Printing, and bidding for 2nd hand items and being willing to repair them if they are defective as possible […]
bioRxiv and arXiv
It’s field dependent, but nowadays a lot of papers will have preprints on the arXiv or bioRxiv. So if your looking for a paper and Google Scholar keeps sending you to journals behind pay walls, see if these preprint servers have a pre-print of the same paper.