A couple weeks ago we posted about Punch Card Programmable Microfluidics, and long before that we posted about an early version of the Foldscope and we posted on my personal favorite of the bunch, the paperfuge. All of these are projects of Dr. Manu Prakash, whom we recently saw talk at the Marine Biological Laboratory […]
Tag: Microfluidics

Punch Card Programmable Microfluidics
Here’s a nifty idea published in PLOS by George Korir and Manu Prakash. 15 on-chip pumps controlled by a punch card cranked by hand. While the original design is specifically geared towards ease of distribution, one could replace the hand crank with a cheap stepper motor for more reliable control.

More DIY Syringe Pumps: From DropletKitchen
We’ve covered making your own syringe pumps before, but we’d like to draw your attention to this amazing write up by DropletKitchen to make push-only syringe pumps. Check out DropletKitchen, on their GitHub showing their various projects.

A Simple Microfluidics Rigs with Inexpensive Board Cameras
An anonymous reader emailed us to share a small DIY microfluidic rig equipped with inexpensive board cameras. The chassis is mainly made out of laser-cut acrylic sheets, M6 nuts, and bolts. This GitHub page gives a comprehensive list of components complete with their cost, and instructions on how to assemble them.

Make Your Own Syringe Pumps
While we love the syringe pumps from SyringePump.com (really!), consider making your own syringe pumps instead with the Open Source Syringe Pump Library. If you want the with it, here’s a more professional looking arduino-based setup.