EDIT: New designs are now available for more pipette tips.10 uL tips: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4256563200 uL tips: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4268044 If you are using pipette tips that don’t come in racks, check out this pipette tip sorting device on thingiverse that makes aligning and inserting the tips much much easier. The 3D print is designed for 10 µL Sarstedt […]
Tag: Pipettes
Print or Buy: Cheap Pipettes!
When I first joined a lab, someone told me the best pipette was the one that had been calibrated most recently. In that spirit, check out these 3D Printed Pipettes called “Biropettes” from open-labware.net. If you’re worried about quality, just calibrate it and check the accuracy. You know, just like you do for a regular […]